Thursday, January 6, 2011

Time Perspective

While stumbling through the internet, I came across a very interesting video that discussed whether different cultures have different perspectives on time. This video is very informative and entertaining to watch. The narrator, Phillip Zimbardo, sketches out on a dry erase board the content he is discussing. Zimbardo states that different areas of the world move at different paces, and the pace is determined by whether you are past, present, or future oriented. Future oriented cultures keep a quick pace and were statistically proven to have more heart problems. Zimbardo also states that the cyber revolution has caused the current generation of kids to want a fast pace in which they are in control. This in tern leads to kids not wanting to attend school because it is too passive and they are not in control. What do you think? do we all move at the same speed or do some people's hearts tick faster than the others? Watch the video and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. I do love these RSA/dry erase board animated videos. There's a great one of a talk by economist and geographer David Harvey analyzing the current economic crisis:
    The talk by Zimbardo you posted here makes some excellent points, although I am skeptical about the idea that we need to change education so that is fast paced enough-- and active or hands-on enough-- for the digital generation. Rather I'm a big proponent of un-plugging classrooms, especially K-12 classrooms. One or two days a week I force my own kids to un-plug the video games and turn off the TV and just read books. I think we need to do the same thing in the elementary and middle school classroom. This might seem a bit contradictory coming from someone who teaches a course on New Media. Maybe it is...
